Bahá'í Faith



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The volume will further deepen the Western reader’s appreciation of “the vernal years of Bahá’u’lláh’s ministry”, and assist the students of His Revelation in gaining a more profound insight into its gradual unfoldment.

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Data sheet

Title Gems of Divine Mysteries
Author Bahá’u’lláh
Editor Javáhiru’l-Asrár
Publisher Baha'i
Place of publication Poland
Published 2020
Size A-5
Cover paperback
Number of pages 44
Language version Polish
ISBN/ISSN/ISMN 978-83-87495-52-7
EAN/UPC 97883874955
Book condition new
Shipping time about 3-5 days from receiving the payment

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Javáhiru’l-Asrár is a lengthy Arabic epistle, meaning literally the “gems” or “essences” of mysteries. A number of themes it enunciates are also elaborated in the Seven Valleys and the Book of Certitude.

One of the central themes of the book, Bahá’u’lláh indicates, is that of “transformation”, meaning here the return of the Promised One in a different human guise. Indeed, in a prefatory note written above the opening lines of the original manuscript, Bahá’u’lláh states:

This treatise was written in reply to a seeker who had asked how the promised Mihdí could have become transformed into ‘Alí-Muḥammad (the Báb). The opportunity provided by this question was seized to elaborate on a number of subjects, all of which are of use and benefit both to them that seek and to those who have attained, could ye perceive with the eye of divine virtue.

A number of other important themes are addressed in this work as well: the cause of the rejection of the Prophets of the past; the danger of a literal reading of scripture; the meaning of the signs and portents of the Bible concerning the advent of the new Manifestation; the continuity of divine revelation; intimations of Bahá’u’lláh’s own approaching declaration; the significance of such symbolic terms as “the Day of Judgement”, “the Resurrection”, “attainment to the Divine Presence”, and “life and death”; and the stages of the spiritual quest through “the Garden of Search”, “the City of Love and Rapture”, “the City of Divine Unity”, “the Garden of Wonderment”, “the City of Absolute Nothingness”, “the City of Immortality”, and “the City that hath no name or description”.




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